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The Queen of Swords is your protector! Embrace her!!

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Tarot lesson of the day–. Queen of Swords

When t

When she presents herself, let her come through! Embrace her. She is of great importance!!! Let her come on through and handle the job that the other Queens might not be able to handle. They all have their specialities!!!! The Queen of Swords is about balance.

So when they come, and they will, do not cower, and do not be moved. Instead, let the Queen do her job. Stand still, and be in that moment. Don’t try and escape it….its not always love and light, but more about balance. It is a job of purification and redemption. It is all very necessary.

Let her come through and handle the season, the situation, or the people who got you fucked up. Because guaranteed, they know exactly where they got you fucked up.

And in the thick of it, when chaos is coming from all sides, dig your 👠 in relax and smile. She knows what she is doing, who she is cutting out, and what she is shutting down. Just stand in the confidence of knowing that everything is in divine order.

For biblical references–because I believe in balance.
Psalm 23:4 Though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil for you are with me. Your rod and your staff, they comfort me.

And I mean not from no man or circumstance!!!!! You better believe that!!!!

And while you walking through that valley……the devine is waiting for you to come out on the other side…..
Psalms 23:5
Thou preparest a table before me in the presence of mine enemies; thou anointest my head with oil; my cup runneth over.

Let them people, those situations—your haters do what they wish. You are being guided through your chaos to come out on top.

And the Queen of Swords is literally grabbing you by the hand and saying—walk with me; I got you. All the while y’all slaying situations and people who came for your downfall.
Genesis 50:20
You planned evil against me; God planned it for good to bring about the present result.


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I am Daisy, nice to meet you!!! I have gotten to this phase of my life through, well, trial and error and of course....growth. Let's see, I grew up in the African Methodist Episcopal Church and I also had the privilege of attending a Spiritualist Church from childhood as well. I always say I got the benefit of experiencing the best of both worlds as my religious experiences thus far has gotten me to where I am today! Now, I would never call myself a psychic, but I definitely did start to understand that I had a connection that gave me the ability to see things before they occurred in my life. Now, I could never win the lottery, but there were too many deja Vu moments to ignore.Then I started meeting deceased relatives in my dreams, especially during times of stress. I have met my grandmother, talked to my great grandma, and my mom, and my Great Grandmother's Sister Aunt CB. Sometimes we have casual moments, and at other times, they are imparting me with wisdom from the other side. They are my ancestors, my family, my Divine Team!!! After years of learning to listen to my guides and my higher self, I am now able and confident in my abilities to discern messages from the spirit world for myself and for others.
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