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What’s Swirling Around in the Collective Energy.

REDEMPTION. I feel like there is a collective energy surrounding forgiveness and redemption. There is a feminine energy, or opportunity

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Exploring the Mysteries of Yemaya: The Original Virgin Mary and Mother Orisha

Introduction Yemaya, also known as the Mother Orisha, holds a significant place in the Afro-Caribbean religious traditions, particularly in Santeria

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Learning About Orishas: A Guide to Understanding and Working with African Deities

Introduction Orishas are deities in the traditional African religion of Yoruba, which originated in Nigeria. These powerful spirits are believed

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Exploring the Origins and Beliefs of Nigerian Oldest Religion

When it comes to learning about African religions, one cannot overlook the rich and ancient traditions of Nigeria. This West

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Meet the Black Girl Bruja, Shining with Black Girl Magic!!

Welcome to my page, which I hope over time will be filled with real experiences, plenty of inspiration, and thought-provoking moments sprinkled with the beauty of manifestations and magic.

Hopefully you will find something here that helps you on your own personal journey!!

I am going to be extra transparent because being a spiritual woman does not exempt me from living in my human experience. In fact, it puts it more in living color with IMMEDIATE consequences (imagine that). And even with all of the work I have done on myself, or the work that I continue to do, I am still out here living in both my spiritual and human experience continuing to learn and grow!

Am I intuitive? Absolutely!!! Does that mean that I don’t have problems, or that I am able to steer clear of my own personal disasters? That’s largely debatable. As an intuitive person, I can see the root feelings and thoughts of those I am involved with, therefore I can see how they feel despite their actions. That, coupled with my empathic nature, I sometimes get in trouble with relationships because I don’t cut people out of my life at the first sign of red flags. Plus, I tend to be very forgiving and patient with people because I know that they really want to do the responsible thing rather they have the courage to or not. Every single day is absolutely a lesson for me…whether that is good bad or indifferent, all depends on the perspective that I choose to see it as. Some of you reading the stories and lessons I tell on my site might side eye me on a few things, but that is simply because you have already learned and mastered that lesson. And that’s ok, because we all learn and grow differently in life, and we always get to the lessons when we need them in life.

However you arrived to this page, it is my prayer that you leave happier, healthier, and embraced. If you are just now starting on your spiritual journey, or if you have been traveling on it for some time, be patient with yourself so you can enjoy your beautiful times ahead.

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Meditation Corner

Meditation allows us the opportunity to clear our minds of worry and stress. In the quiet of Meditation is oftentimes when you are able to talk with your creator and actually hear what messages are being given to you.

In our fast paced world, sometimes we feel as though we are unable to relax and unwind long enough to decompress all of the stressors that impact us daily. Meditation doesn’t have to take a long time to be effective, you can start with just minutes of your day.

To begin meditating, you will want to choose a time and place in your day where you can sit in peace for just a few minutes.

  1. Start by sitting or lying in a comfortable position.
  2. Read through this list so you will be familiar with the process before you begin.
  3. Set a timer if you need to limit your meditation time.
  4. Close your eyes to aid in relaxation.
  5. Take a slow cleansing breath in through your nose. and breathe out through your mouth slowly.
  6. Feel the built-up stress in your body and muscles start to feel relaxed and loose.
  7. Don’t force yourself to force yourself to think about anything in particular. If a thought comes into your mind, acknowledge it and let it pass through. It’s ok.
  8. Feel the sensations that are passing through your body. Can you feel your muscle stress minimizing? Do you feel as those you are sinking into the surface to which you are sitting/laying?
  9. Let you mind and body just be free and unrestricted.
  10. Are you seeing any colors? Shapes? It’s fine, let it come through and just be open to letting things flow through you without a definite answer or solution. You just want to take it in and feel it.
  11. After meditation, allow your mind to analyze how it felt during the process. You answer will be uniquely yours, not to be compared with anyone else’s experience.
  12. We will add on to this meditation exercise later.


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