Rituals can be simple and just as effective as fancy elaborate ones. This is an area where intent and focus are more important than the materials used.
White Candle (cleansing, protection, purity)
White Rose (purity, innocence)
Himalayan Salt (cleansing, purification)
Take your bowl and fill it with water (tap water is fine). Add some pink Himalayan Salt to the water and mix. Add the white rose to the water. Light your candle and speak your manifestation into the Universe. You can write out your manifestation, or speak your manifestation. What matters is your focus and intent.
Our Ancestors used the materials they had available to them. When manifesting change, they weren’t able to run to the local Botanica and purchase necessary ingredients. They simply used what they had in the house, in the kitchen, and in the yard to manipulate the energy towards their goal.
Today, I want to give thanks for my protection, and for my guidance. May God continue to order my steps and guide my path towards justice and renewal. Cleanse my heart and allow a renewal of my spirit. Keep me on the path to always be thankful, and praise God who has allowed me blessings, upon blessings on this earth.
Giving all thanks and glory to God. Amen.
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