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My Grace is Sufficient

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Omg, for the last few weeks I have been PLAGUED by that pharse running through my mind.  So much so that I have kinda been like….ok what’s the lesson in this, because aren’t I always grateful???  And I can most feel the intense side eye energy God is projecting to me right now…..considering I just gave him the middle finger a week ago and told him he was doing a fantastical job on my love life…..I was like God don’t make no mistakes my ass…..look at my ex.

So let’s look at the context of what I went to read, over and over and over again for a good understanding. 😐😑😮‍💨

Side Bar—the one thing that I learned and accepted that God accepts us and communicates with us in our Natural Habitat.   There is nothing fake or always pleasant….sometimes I hate God’s decisions,  but he don’t care, he even like….let that little child have her little temper tantrum she’ll get over it.  Like, it was something like, you can box with God, he can handle it.  And he can, his love is pure.  He understands that our human emotions are currently clouding our pure spirit.  We are in another dimension learning.  So as our parent, he loves us through  our selfish moments until we find ourselves back into his comfort.  And that’s how he builds our relationship stronger, be creating the safety net of comfort.

And how does that happen.   That happens through unexpected thoughts of kindness coming your way.  Compliments from others when you were starting to doubt yourself.  Positive memes and words of encouragement all surrounding your situation popping up to remind you there is an other side.  Hang in there.

So in every moment of your life, make the decision that GOD’S GRACE IS SUFFICIENT.   God is always working out your situation in your favor at all times.   Even endings are start of a new beginning.  God will never give you less.  So in great times….My Grace is Sufficient…..I am always working for your greater good.  In bads times…..My Grace is Sufficient….I will always work out for your greater good when you circumstances are currently connected to your lesson or even entangled within someone else’s mess.  My Grace is Sufficient.  I’m already working out for your good, if you let me.  If you *stop* fighting it for me….My Grace is Sufficient.   I will always work for your Greatest good Because I am your Father, your Protector.  My Grace is Sufficient because I will never position you to lose, I position you for protection based on your actions.   My Grace is Sufficient, please let me work for you….so you can work through me….and I can work for you to show the world the magnificent in which you were designed to operate in.  Like a literal sprinkle of magic in every soul that you touch. 

But sometimes that gets hard because we sometimes be in petty human energy and we operate in low vibe energy.  We gotta stop that.  Because that type of energy doesn’t let God fully show up and show out because we are choosing to engage in counterproductive energy.  God never stops our free will.  Now he might side eye the heck outta you….or face palm because he is in disbelief that we have to revisit a lesson we were supposed to have learned….but he let’s us move with total freedom because that’s how much he loves us.  He would never choose to “zoo” us into situations.  He loves and trust us enough to do that for ourselves.

Every single day declare that God is working everything out in your favor despite of your decisions because he loves you.  And he wants to show his Grace towards us to others by showing up and showing out in our lives.   God always wants us to win.  Him working through us shows others the comfort and safety he offers his children.  And God isn’t a religion, he is the omnipotent force that sits above all energy as the creator and progenitor of all other energy, the ultimate force.  So just let him work for your benefit, and for your honor because God always wants you at your best because he knows the beauty that he created when he created you.  Y’all been had this conversation of what you struggle with in each lifetime.   He knows your spirit from beyond this earth, and beyond this lifetime.  You operating out of human emotions while you are trying to heal and fix, which is what’s generating such as painful response.  God is just over here like, child…..get it out so we can get back to work.  Ok, you feeling better yet….yes I know you Apologize,  yes I know you didn’t mean no harm, yes I know you were triggered.  I love you no matter what.  I’m big enough to take it.  God knows,  you’ve been through it before,  you are a work in progress of healing a soul from things it can’t consciously even process what it’s been through from lifetimes ago…’s kinda like things that immediately trigger *just you* for no apparent reason, and our prejudices those are triggers we need to process through!!

And through it all, God is there ALWAYS THERE WORKING OUT THINGS FOR OUR GREATER GOOD.   HIS GRACE IS SUFFICIENT all the time and in all ways.

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I am Daisy, nice to meet you!!! I have gotten to this phase of my life through, well, trial and error and of course....growth. Let's see, I grew up in the African Methodist Episcopal Church and I also had the privilege of attending a Spiritualist Church from childhood as well. I always say I got the benefit of experiencing the best of both worlds as my religious experiences thus far has gotten me to where I am today! Now, I would never call myself a psychic, but I definitely did start to understand that I had a connection that gave me the ability to see things before they occurred in my life. Now, I could never win the lottery, but there were too many deja Vu moments to ignore.Then I started meeting deceased relatives in my dreams, especially during times of stress. I have met my grandmother, talked to my great grandma, and my mom, and my Great Grandmother's Sister Aunt CB. Sometimes we have casual moments, and at other times, they are imparting me with wisdom from the other side. They are my ancestors, my family, my Divine Team!!! After years of learning to listen to my guides and my higher self, I am now able and confident in my abilities to discern messages from the spirit world for myself and for others.
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